Sunday, June 30, 2013

Purring Thanks

Carl and I would like to thank all you kitties for coming to our great birthday bash.  It wouldn't have been the same without you there!  Even if there wasn't a mosh pit this time, it was great fun!  Now we are 16, we are crossing our paws wishing the mom will let us get our license and buy us a car.  I'm hoping for a red Mustang convertible.

There are still some kitties napping from too much partying, munching on ham or playing with what's left of the live entertainment, so if you are one or two kitties short at your house, you know where they are.  We'll send them along home in the next day or two.

We are going to be taking a week vacation so the mom can work on some projects.  In particular she is really excited because Layla from Cat Wisdom 101 has agreed to be a guest speaker on animal communication and kitty behavior.  How cool is that!  We had such a great response to our post about MMM* and how communicating turned her problems around, Layla agreed to try to help us help our kitty friends.  Its so kind and generous of Layla to give of her time this way!  The mom is working on questions to ask her, so leave us a comment if there is something you'd like to know or would like us to cover, or you can email us if its too long for a comment.

In the meantime, we will try to visit everyone in the next day or so.  Also, Happy 4th of July to all of our US friends!  Have a safe and enjoyable holiday!

*  BTW, MMM is continuing to improve.  Her temples have scabbed over and she hasn't been scratching at all.  The mom is watching her bald patch at the base of her tail and on her side, and they seem to be doing  fine too.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Sweet 16!


Happy Sweet 16 to our Dazzling Ladycat 
and her Elegant Brother!

16 years ago two of the cutest kittens were born to a grand champion lady Persian cat.
So come help us celebrate their milestone birthday!
Help yourself to foods and drinks!

There's ham
 and salmon

 roast chick-hen
 and roast beast

Peanut butter for Oui Oui, and anyone else who loves it
real live dead shrimps with bacon 

Merlin Crab Cakes
and dinner on the fly, uh, live entertainment.

Virgin drinks for the little ones
and not so virgin for the party animals.

Save room for the cake!

When you are all partied out and can't eat another bite, have a little cat nap.

There's the big kitty tree

Or a smaller comfy bed if you prefer.

 Amuse yourself in a number of ways if you feel like it.

This feisty crustacean is only for the baddest of the bad.  And before they've had a couple of those niptinis.

Hang out the entire weekend if you like, but don't forget your party favors!

Thanks for joining us and making this a birthday not to be forgotten!

And have a safe and enjoyable weekend!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Thankful Thursday

How relaxed our little Moo seems!

Purrhaps you saw Cat Wisdom 101's post last Thursday, "Vet 101"?  Our Mica Minnie Moo was lucky enough to be featured regarding her continuing problem of removing her eyebrows.  We were hoping to get a perspective from another who was not so close to our situation.  Dr. Miller looked at the dilemma from many angles and had a number of insightful and helpful observations.  We are grateful and putting them to good use.

Throughout this whole process Layla has been absolutely wonderful, offering many suggestions and even teaching the mom the basics of animal communication.  The mom started trying right away, and what a change there has been!

As early as Saturday morning the vet noticed such an improvement he stopped in his tracks when he saw MMM.  Her meds have been stopped and she is out of her collar.  We are relying totally on communication.

There is some discoloration where her old scabs were and MMM scratched a little spot on each temple (you can see the biggest one above), but that was three days ago.  There have been no more new scabs or scratches and the mom thinks she had to learn to be more gentle cleaning those areas.

The most amazing part is the response from the other kitties!  Carl has been a stress point for MMM and he has been voluntarily spending the day in Julie's part of the house since we started this.  Before he never wanted to spend time there and it was his "Time Out" area if he chased MMM.

Oui Oui has just been remarkable!  When MMM and the mom needed time alone, she graciously disappeared then reappeared when needed.  She has impeccable timing!  She is also MMM's guardian when the mom isn't around, watching over and supporting MMM when she needs it.  When the mom comes home from work, she can tell its been a good day just from Oui Oui's expression.  Her sweet little pixie face is all alight with pride, knowing she did a good job.  And then she demands to be paid in scratches and treats.  The mom is glad to oblige!  Extra treats all around!

Of course, we are still working hard on this problem and will for a while, but what a difference from this time last week.  We want to express our gratitude to Layla, without her there is no doubt MMM would still be in her collar and the mom in despair.  She has made such a difference in our lives.  She put a lot of time and thought into helping us and our words are inadequate.  Just thank you, thank you, thank you for the interest you showed, your time invested, for coaching and cheering us on !

We'd also like to thank Fuzzy Tales because they suggested animal communication a month ago or so, long enough that when Layla started talking, we were listening.

This is truly a Thankful Thursday!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Wordless Wednesday Plus

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Now for the "Plus" part!

Charles the Monarch
"The Lion Dog"

Purrhaps you have seen Charles on TV, maybe you even met him at BlogPaws.  Or, like our mom, you've done both.  We think Charles is pretty cool, a dog who aspires to be a feline is so whimsical.  We thought purrhaps some of our readers might be interested to know he is the subject of a new children's book.  If you are interested in learning a little more, here is a link to a video and the page about his book.

It costs a lot of money to publish a book and Charles is looking for help funding it.  In return, you'll receive a copy of his book (starting at $10).  If you are like our mom, she loves to read and she was always looking for something The Girl might be interested in reading so she would learn to love reading too.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Tabby Tuesday

Today I am chillaxing in kitty heaven!

I have my favorite scratcher and my food bowl.
I've made a mess of the mom's carpet, 
and it will be much bigger after I scratch a little more.

I'll have a few good stretches.
 And a roll on the ground.

ZZZZzzzzz  . . .

I don't know, I can't sleep.  Something is missing.
I got it!  Friends!  Care to join me?

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Munchin' Monday

We kitties are beginning to love the mail man!  We received another package and this one was from Chewy.  The Chewy peeps wanted to know if we like treats.  Well, yeah, we LOVE treats!  They were interested in what we thought of Natural Balance Perfect Bites Salmon Formula treats.  The mom likes them cause they don't have fillers like corn, soy or wheat, but what about us kitties?

Inspector Oui Oui examines the package to determine if its safe for the other kitties.  No hidden bombs or evil curses were found.
Its safe to open! 

The contents smell pretty good, but will it pass the Oui Oui Test?  The fussiest eater alive can't decide.
I'm just not sure . . .
Oops!  The mom got trigger happy and opened it before taking a pic.

Hmmmm . . .  

I'm sorry, but I believe I prefer the box.  Those Chewy people have the best boxes around and we still have their box we adopted a year and a half ago.
Again, their good taste in boxes is evident.  This rates excellent for bathing and napping properties.  I am content.

Mica Minnie Moo says that Oui Oui is nuts.  She scarfs down firsts then seconds.
 Sorry, I'm too busy right now to look up.

Her collar is off, so that story will be coming up in a day or two.

Carl is also too busy to look up.  He goes for seconds, thirds and then Julie's.
Yum!  I love these treats!  If the mom would have let me, I would have eaten the entire bag.

We aren't sure what it is about these treats, but once we started eating them, no one could look up until they were gone!

I had to gobble to protect my treats.  And the mom had to give Carl a few more extra servings so I could finish mine in peace.
What! Are they all gone?
Ok, Carl, you can stop hovering and searching now.

So the score in this house was 3 out of 4, but its always 3 out of 4 because Oui Oui only eats two kinds of wet food and two kinds of treats.  Ironically, one of two treats she eats is Natural Balance Perfect Bites Rabbit Formula.  She doesn't care for salmon in any form, we guess.  But considering how fussy she is and how happy she was with the box, we'll give it a 4 out of 4.

Carl hanging out in our adopted Chewy box.

This post is our honest opinion, and was no way influenced by the people at Chewy.  The only compensation we received was the bag of treats sent to us for review.