Friday, September 19, 2014

Meow Like a Pirate Day

 Me-arg!  Avast ye ol' sea hag!
Tis not seemly to be dressed up and slapped on a cannon.

I'd druther walk the plank!

 Woe is me!
Me hearties, time to teach the sea hag photoshop.


There be lots of mateys meowing at the Tabby Cat Club.  Stop o'er and grab some grog and booty!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

What We Have Been Up To

We can't believe it's been so long since our last post!  The mom has been slacking for sure!

First we want to thank everyone for their good wishes for the mom's surgery.  Those wishes worked so well that she canceled the surgery!  The big lump is still there but her leg has gotten so much better, she can cook, stand and sleep at night.  The surgery started sounding worse than what she is experiencing now - with drainage tubes for a week, not being able to get it wet, post-op pain, yadda yadda . . .

All kinds of things have happened have happened to us kitties!  We went to The Place That Must Not Be Named, and some of us are feeling our age a teeny bit.

You can see Carl is starting to get cataracts.  He's 17 years old now.
Julie had a quick dental to remove some tartar.
She broke a tooth (lower left fang) since last year and we wonder
if it was when she hurt her leg last spring.  Maybe she fell?
Anyway, she might have hyperthyroidism, we are watching her
and she'll go back for follow up testing in a couple months.
She's seventeen too.

Oui Oui waits her turn in The Girl's arms.  She just knows she is going to be violated!
 Mica Moo waits too, in the mom's arms.
It's just too scary to face!

The mom said good bye to her first ferals.  As a going away gift, they started eating out of the dishes when she was spooning out their food.  She could have petted them if she wanted.
That's some good stuff!

Now there is feral colony #2!
There are six cats but so far only four have shown themselves.
And these ones are so wild, the mom has to sit in the car
to take their pictures.
The local TNR group asked the mom to handle their
substitute care taker program and she is super excited to help!
And there is going to be a big winter shelter building event!
Fun times!

We hope everyone has been doing well!  Best wishes and fair skies to you all.  We hope to get back on track posting now that things are going better.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Happy Labor Day!

Today we celebrate all the hard working folks who schlep off to work and leave us kitties at home.  Alone, unplayed with and unscratched most week days, but today let's make up for it!

We know this is an American holiday, but we don't see why we shouldn't celebrate workers world wide!  So, here is to everyone who works every day, whether in an office, a manufacturing plant or in a home.  Let's commemorate the day with extra scritches and play time!

We can do it!
Happy Labor Day, everyone!

And here's a little laugh, something the mom saw online and thought was cute enough to share: