Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Uh Oh! Not a Good Day.

Maybe it was a good thing I wrote my letter to Sandy Paws yesterday because today was NOT a good day!  And the mom was at the heart of all the troubles.

Today some strange man came and looked at the thingy that blows hot air.  Ours wasn't doing anything before he came but soon it was blowing just fine.

After he left, the mom looked around for Julie and she thought Julie was in the basement when she didn't see her, so she let Mica Moo out of her safe room where the mom had put her so she wouldn't be spooked by strange peoples and noises.  Well, she should have looked a little harder because MMM and Julie very quickly found one another.  You should have heard their language!  I really hope Sandy Paws wasn't listening cause it wasn't very lady like.  I had to run UTB myself.

The fur really flew as Julie ran after MMM.  Who knew two kitties could run down stairs that quickly, even ones who play THoE regularly!  The mom put a stop to it right away, but MMM hid UTB in her safe room and wouldn't make a peep.  Julie went back to her lair to wait for her next victim.

The man left all the lights on and when the mom went down to turn them off she found three of us in a No-Kitty Zone.  We aren't allowed in the laundry room where the furnace is cause the walls aren't finished and the mom thinks we will crawl inside the walls, get lost or stuck and die.  Yes, yes, of course its silly, but those are the rules.  Naturally we go in there every chance we get.  So when she reached for the light, out came Julie, Carl and I.

That's two strikes for Julie, so I don't think Sandy Paws will be leaving any nip stogies for her this Christmas.  But I hope he will grant the wishes for the rest of us.  Please?  And there has to be coal in the mom's future.


Katnip Lounge said...

Well, WE think you all should get tons of pressies from Santy cos EVERYTHING that EVER goes wrong is ALWAYS the Mom's fault!

Q.E.D. Coal for her, stogies for you!

Katnip Lounge said...

pee ess: we're glad your heaty thingummy is working again!

Angel Prancer Pie said...

What exactly is a "cat-free zone"? We don't have one of those here. MOL!

Summer at sparklecat.com said...

This is ALL your human's fault! You kitties are totally innocent - you were only doing what you do naturally. So no blame should fall on your shoulders. In no small part because cats don't have shoulders anyway.

Hannah and Lucy said...

We hadn't heard of a cat free zone before - we covered Mum's eyes so she didn't find out about such a thing.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Cats Herd You said...

This is totally the fault of the humans. If they don't want you somewhere, they need to bar the door. The house is your domain, otherwise. If Santa has any questions, you send him to us, we'll set him straight. (Hopefully he won't arrive while we're trying to remove the bar that secures the spare room closet.)

Marg said...

We don't know anything about a cat free zone either. That doesn't happen around here except for Baby Doll's room.
Poor Mom, I bet she was a wreck after all that bad language between Julie and MMM. Not a fun day.
Hope today is better. Take care.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

We feel it our duty to put a word in on behalf of Julie because we really believe that these particular circumstances were not her fault. It was a set-up. Not fair!

The Chans

Fuzzy Tales said...

Yeah, there's no cat-free zone here either. Heck, Nicki likes to hang out up in the plumbing pipes in the basement. :-p

Purrsonally, we don't think Santa will hold this against any of you, since none of it was the fault of any cat!

Cherry City Kitties said...

We have a cat free zone in our house, the Daddy's computer work office. He says NO CAT HAIRS on all his work computers. We listens pretty good, cause he keeps us in kibble!
Harry, Dexter and Tipp

Pat Hatt said...

lol love the first pose and no cat free zone at our place.

The Island Cats said...

Oh wow! That musta been pretty exciting!! We have one of those room in our house...where the air blowing thingey is and we try to get in there every chance we get. So far, we've been unsuccessful.

Cory said...

That is so exciting! Lots of stuff happening at your place. We're sure that nip stogies will be in your future. The only cat free zone we have is the garage...and my momma Ellie is the master of making her move to get in there!

Brian's Home Blog said...

I am pretty sure Santa doesn't hold human boo boos against us critters!

Marilia said...

Heheheh! Lovely!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

how come carl iz gettin blamed for bein in de no kitty zone; sure, may bee he did tell everee one ta hide ther in de furst place and pounce on yur mom when her wented inta de base mint.....but therez like noe point in havin a base mint if ya canna let kittehs down ther ta hide N pounce on peepuls...mite just az well put waterz in it, stock it with trout N due sum fishin....

Colehaus Cats said...

Oh goodness, the adventures! Good thing you all got that out of your systems before Santa Claws comes to visit! Purrs...from your friends at Colehauscats.com

meowmeowmans said...

Nah, we bet Santy is STILL coming to your house. Those were human errors, not kitty ones!

Annie Bear said...

Hi! I've missed you guys! We've been super busy. We now have a serious cat-free zone: the balcony. Anyway, yes, everything is always mom's fault. I hope all has calmed down between the girls.

Anonymous said...

I hope you all get the presents you've wished for! HAve a lovely Christmas and New Year!


Oh dear...well Oui Oui we think Santa already has his sleigh filled so no worries everyone will still get their stogies.

Anonymous said...

you have a No Kitty Zone?! how exciting. must be full of dangers and mysteries. mice too, i'll bet. that's the very room I would want to spend all day in. can i come over?

Anonymous said...

you have a No Kitty Zone?! how exciting. must be full of dangers and mysteries. mice too, i'll bet. that's the very room I would want to spend all day in. can i come over?

Donna said...

My hoomin said if they had those teleporters from Star Trek, you could come stay with us. :)

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Ooh, Julie is in TRUBBLE with Sandy Claws!!!

Gigi said...

I join with others in expressing wonder over the concept of "Cat free zone"--is that like a sort of feline DMZ? Honestly, I can't even IMAGINE. Your Mom must be just a tad delusional to believe she can "forbid" you from doing things.

Gifts all around. Your Mommy doesn't even know what she's talking about. It's sad, really. Maybe Santa will bring her a vitamin or something to clear up her thinking.

Avalon's Garden and Mewsings of Garden Cottage Cats said...

Juliekinz, I thinkz we're in trouble! and dere maybe a shortage on Nip stogiez nex year ^..^

let'z go back to your lair and cuddle till sum unsuspecting tiptoez by..... ^.,^

Kissez ~ Your Gman ♥♥♥xoxoxo ^.,^

Louche Tabby said...

I am loving the top pic! Do you mind if I re-post?