Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Sayonara For Now!

Wednesday the mom heads to Las Vegas for BlogPaws and we kitties thought we'd have another house trashing party since the mom didn't learn her lesson last week, but guess what? 

We have a BABY sitter!  What the?!  And guess who the babysitter is?  The Girl!  So, guess what else?  We are having the house trashing party anyway cause she is a push over and likes to sleep late. 

 I'll be walking around The Girl's head first thing in the morning
instead of the mom's.

Well, we aren't going to let her do that either cause you know we take breakfast seriously, but we should gets lots of trashing done when she's asleep, so kitties, come on over!

Thanks to everyone for the purrs for Julie.  She is still limping and is unsteady on her feet so the mom would feel better knowing what the doctor says before she leaves.  So Julie is going to be stuffed into the PTU to be looked at.  Poor girl!  We'll update if needed, but no news will be good news.  The Girl has years of experience working at the mom's vet and she has very good judgment so the mom feels comfortable leaving us with her.

To all our friends going to BlogPaws, Bon Voyage!  To our friends who are staying home, we wish you could have been there!  And to the home bound kitties, Behave!  NOT!


Summer at sparklecat.com said...

My human missed your human at the last BlogPaws - but she hopes to meet her in person this time! Meanwhile, I will join you in your house trashing! My human's boyfriend is taking care of us while she's gone, so it's not going to be much fun here.

Fuzzy Tales said...

Oh, we missed that there was something wrong with Julie. :-(

Lots of purrs from us; paws crossed it's something innocuous that will heal on its own.

Tell your human we're wishing her safe travels. We already know she'll have a fantastic time.

Pat Hatt said...

haha yeah, can't let her sleep in. Walk on her head. Trash away once more and hopefully things look up for Julie at your shore.

Hannah and Lucy said...

We hope Julie will get better soon.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Timmy Tomcat said...

Have a good time at Blogpaws. Dad wishes he could go.
We are sending purrs for Julie

Marilia said...

Purring for Julie!

www.shelter-cats.com said...

Hope there's no news on Julie (which means good news, of course)!
Have a good time kitties and Mom- we'll be waiting for a full report on the trashing and on the blogpaws.

Marg said...

Hope the Mom has a great time at Blog paws. We know she will. And hopefully Julie just has a little arthritis or something. Take care.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Purrs and hugs to sweet Julie! Tell Mom to travel safely.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

We're crossing all our paws for Julie.

So, it sounds like a narrow escape from a nasty situation for you guys! There are going to be quite a few house trashings over the next few days. Everyone is going to be pooped by the time the Blog Pawers return!

The Chans

Mariodacat said...

Oh noooooo, so sorry I've been missing. I'm not happy hearing that Julie is sick. I'll start purring for her right now. M wishes she were going to Blog Paws because she'd love to meet everyone. Tell your mom to have fun.

Anonymous said...

Wees will be ovew fuw da pawty fuw suwe. MOL Hope yous mommy has a meowsy gud time.

Luv and Hugs and Kitty Kisses ♥♥♥


da tabbies o trout towne said...

guys....tell yur mom ta haza safe trip anda fun time N tell de gurl ...noe due knot tell de gurl, houz partee at 11:47....N blame it all on de goat !!! ♥♥♥

Kwee Cats and Art said...

We are still purring for Julie. We will join you in the house trashing party! We can always bring pizza for The Girl! This is going to be fun!


We don't see an update for Julie so we think that must mean GOOD MEWS! we are hopeful!!! Have a great time at BP and oh about that house trashing pawty.....

Kitty Cat Chronicles said...

Woohoooo we can't wait for the house trashing party!! Our mommy isn't going to BlowPaws (good for us, bad for her), but we hope yours has a great time!!! Purring for Julie!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

I will be over for your house trashing. It sounds like it will be a good one.
Hope your mum has a great time at Blogpaws.

Cats Herd You said...

We're going to be kind of busy trashing our house, but we'll come help with yours, too. The head peep can't wait to finally meet your Mom!

The Island Cats said...

Oui Oui, if we can sneak away from the dad-guy AND the pet sitter (yes, the mom is having a pet sitter come in and check on us once a day because she doesn't trust the dad-guy to remember to feed us) we'll be there to do some trashin'. But it might be iffy...our pet sitter is the Island Animal Control Officer and she carries a gun! Yikes!

Everycat said...

Sending purrs for Julie's limpy thing, hope she is ok.

Don't forget, the curtains are great for climbing up then sliding down, the ripping noise is amazing!


Sushi said...

Mom loves to go to Blogpaws, but couldn't. She doesn't have a visa.

meowmeowmans said...

Well, since our mom and dad are NOT going to BlogPaws this year, we will come over to join in with the house trashing! Woohoo! :)

We're all purring and praying for Julie. And hey, if you gotta have a baby sitter, we're glad it's The Girl!

Hugs and headbonks,

Moosey, Gracie and Zoe

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Enjoy the sitter! An when the Mom comes home, tell her ya liked the Girl better than her. MOL!

Timmy Tomcat said...

Oui Oui it sounds like you have things well in paw. We will be over to help with the thrashing smashing

Vanessa Morgan said...

I hope you threw a lovely party, and that your mom won't be too shocked when she comes back to the mess you made :)

Fur Everywhere said...

How is Julie? Did the vet have any news? I guess since there was no update, it was good news? We hope so!!

Happy Birthday, Oui Oui!! We hope you have a wonderful day today!!!

Carmine, Milita, and Jewel

www.shelter-cats.com said...

Happy Birthday, Oui Oui! Hope Julie was all better when the Mom got home.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Hope your Mom had a good time.

Happy Birthday Oui Oui.

Katie Isabella said...

JULIE! What is WRONG?????

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

Hope that Julie is feeling better now !
To bad that you had the Girl to Watch you , so you couldn't have a house trash partyyy !!