Wednesday, June 13, 2012


We can't believe it!  We have had another award bestowed upon us.  That's three in less than a week!  Our good friends AND ALMOST NEIGHBORS (well, it sounded good, they live in the same state as we do) at Mark's Mews awarded us the Illuminating Blogger Award.  Concats to Mark's kitties on yet another well deserved award.  Thanks so much for thinking of us, friends and neighbors!  We are truly humbled by all the accolades from our friends!  Julie will take it from here.

MMM won this award earlier in the week, and now I have.  According to the rules, I have to tell an Illuminating story about myself.  So I confess I am NOT AFRAID of the Vishus Evil Torcheror (VET).  I may have this look on my face.

Actual VET picture

I am just annoyed.  Very!  The VET even said when listening to my innards that I was as cool as a cucumber.  That is, not scairt.  I am Queen Julie the Lion Heart!

When the mom foolishly brings home a new kitty, I don't jump over barriers during the "introduction period" to let the new introoder know who is queen.  I ram them and break them down.  When Oui Oui was a kitten, the "introduction barrier" consisted of 3 baby gates, 2 large pieces of cardboard, the large clothes hamper, the vacuum cleaner and a large piece of luggage.  Anything less is no barrier to me.  Only a very brave kitty would behave like this AND not be afraid of the VET!

Queen Julie the Lion Heart

Now for the hard part, picking 5 successors to the awards!  I have chosen these kitties and eagerly await their illuminating story:

1 - Edmund Percival Hillary of Meowers from Missouri
3 - Billy Sweetfeets at Meezer Tails
4 - BiBi Chan at The Poupounette
5 - Kizzie of Kizzie Cat

Concats to all!  And many thanks and purrs to everyone at Mark's Mews!


Julia Williams said...

You certainly do sound brave!!! I have one cat that shivers like he's hypothermic when he is at the vets.

Gigi said...

QUEEN Julie! That was a THRILLING story. And just LOOK at that tiara. I am . . . smitten.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

OMCC, Spitty is after another girlcat! Julie, be careful, he's a Playa...

We loved hearin about yer determination ta meet new kitties, Julie. That quite a barrier the Bein has ta build ta keep you away from them!

Angel Prancer Pie said...

Oh no, Spitty is at it again! That is illuminating, Julie!

Summer at said...

Wow, Julie, you ARE amazingly brave! I'm so scared when I go to the vet's that my human worries I will give myself a heart attack!

The Furries of Whisppy said...

Congratulations on the award, Julie! Like you, I'm not afraid of the V-E-T at all. My motto is, never show fear...well, maybe just a puffed up tail...!

The Island Cats said...

Congrats on your bright award, Julie!

Mariodacat said...

Congratulations on the award sweetie. It was fun learning more about you.

Marg said...

Conga rats on winning that award. We think you are such a lucky kitty to not be afraid of the vishous vet. We get so nervous when we have to go. Have a super day.

Hannah and Lucy said...

We try and stay in our dreaded baskets at the vet place - we will never be as brave as you Julie.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

The Meezers or Billy said...

oh Julie!!! FANK YOU!!!!!!! ME is so happy!!!

and concatulations!!!!!

Brian's Home Blog said...

congrats on the very nice award O-Brave-One!

Callie (a.k.a. Trouble) said...

So that is what VET stands for - I always wondered. Congrats on the award!

GLOGIRLY said...

Queen Julie, you must be wearing a big badge of courage under your furs!
Congratz on your awards!!!

; ) Katie
(My staycation is OVER!!!)

Marilia said...

ConCats Queen Julie!

meowmeowmans said...

Queen Julie, you are so very brave! Thank you for illuminating us!

CCL Wendy said...

You truly are Queen of the House, Julie -- and all that you survey (even the VET's, obviously)!

Only a dominant girl would be so determined and undaunted by it all.

Unknown said...

Thank you very much for the award, we will be passing it on in the next few days. Love that tiara.

Avalon's Garden and Mewsings of Garden Cottage Cats said...

Oh Julie darlin, you are mos certainly MY Queen!! ^..^ and Alwayz deserving ov Many awardiez. and btw...... watch owt fur dat Spitty guy,,,, he iz big flirt!!! ^..^ he almos had run in wif my brofur ofur Lady Bianca ^..^ Me trus you to tell him what you thinkz ov his flirty wayz and take no dodo,You are Queen La B*tch after all ^.,^ but if he getz owtta hand you letz me know !!^..^ MIEOW!!!

Dat sure iz a lotta Awardiez lately, ^..^ your momma mus be Thrilled you all so popular ^.,^ Concatulationz my Sweet Queen Juliekinz!! I jus can't figurez why you pass to Ana, you know how we luvz to chase her ^..^????? Well..... anywho, we haz da sadz 'bout Momo, so we will post in a few dayz. Da mom too sad right now :((
How 'bout you and me go owt into da garden and do sum stogiez, or anythin you want to do, becauze you My Queen♥♥♥ ^.,^

Kissez xoxoxo your Gman ^..^ ♥


You are my hero!
