Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Bean Avatars

Finally!  The day the mom has been talking about for weeks!  She now has time to talk about bean avatars.  The mom found the kitty avatars while searching for bean avatars.  She really liked the one Katie's mom uses at Glogirly, and wanted to see if she could do something to use for herself as she hates having her picture taken.  Ironic, isn't it?  There are so many sites to chose from!  Here are some of her favorites.  All of the websites are free.  Well, she never found the Glogirly one, but this is just a fraction of what she did find.  Take it away, Mom!

I found building the avatar then going back to some features to modify them works best for me.  If you can't or don't want to download, then use your handy snipping tool!

Portrait Illustration Maker is my favorite.  I love the style of the illustrations.  There is a thumbnail portrait on the upper left side that shows what you have built.  On your first visit, there may be a random photo there, but that's ok, you are going to change everything.  The down side - these avatars can't be enlarged as they are low res.

Here are photos of The Girl and The Mom.

 The Girl

The Mom (with The Girl)
Yup!  The Mom hates her picture taken so much,
this is one of the most recent ones.
Ahahaha!  The Girl is 20 now.
(So what does she hate so much about this one?
The tart-like expression so many young girls have in slutty pix of themselves on Facebook.)

These are our avatars from this site:

Can they use this avatar for my obit?
That hamster looking critter is supposed to be Julie.
Oh, well...

Picaface has more realistic faces, but the hair styles were limited.  I made do with what they had.

For the anime lovers, there is Face Your Manga.  Our avatars looked like this:

Another site is Lunaii Dollmaker.  eLouai's Candybar Doll Maker has full body avatars with moving parts.  Do you want to look like a Simpson?  Go to the Simpson's Movie site.  There's one for South Park too.  Would you rather look like an action hero or rock star? There's HeroMachine.  Feel like a block head?  You can look like a Lego person at Reasonably Clever.  Just Google "Avatar Generator" and all sorts of sites come up.  Pick the style that best expresses you!

I think kids would love doing these, maybe its a good rainy day activity.  And remember, they don't have to be serious like these.  They can be whimsical, or even zombies or pirates.  I think it would be fun to have a "How my cat sees me" day.

Have fun!  Most avatars don't take much time to make, but make sure you plan on spending some time because there is so much, it won't be a quick visit!


Katnip Lounge said...

Mommy says she wants to be a zombie! Prolly the only time she'll ever have some brains...

The Island Cats said...

Those avatars are so cool!

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

These all made us smile, Teri included! She is soooo far behind in posting that she still hasn't put up the cute renditions you did of us! Maybe she will have time in the airport tomorrow cuz she's flying to BlogPaws!

Avalon's Garden and Mewsings of Garden Cottage Cats said...

Oh dis waz furry funny ^.,^, da mom iz smiling,,,,, we think it haz to do wif da tart remark ^..^ fur sum reason she jus started laughing ..... MOM!! ok,,,,,, she F I N A LL Y got owr avitarz done now we jus waiting on her to get her act together and post dem. She did them las week but wif da Awardiez and all she nefur got around to putting dem up, actually she thinkz dshe did enough posting las week...... WHAT?!? ^..^ now she'z owt cleanong da greenhouse .... dat woman haz no prioritiez!! She also don't like her picture taken either..... what'z wif dat !....... Well anywayz,,,, we like your bean avitarz,,,, and da mom luvz da picture wif your mom & The(baby) Girl..... Awwwwwwww ♥♥

Julie me comin down to git lightnin bugz wif you,,,, me hungry ^..^ ♥♥xoxoxox♥♥
your ♥Gman♥ ^.,^

Summer at sparklecat.com said...

Years ago you could make avatars on Yahoo and my human did one of herself that looked amazingly like her!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Ooh, WE want TBT ta be a manga! Well, he'd have HAIR that way. An mebbe some pawsome sleeveless shirt. MOL!

Gigi said...

Heez, my Human is even lamer than I thought.

I want my avatar, dammit! And not like next YEAR! Now!

Yeah, well, we'll see.

Gigi said...

See? She typed "Heez" when I clearly said, "Geez".


Layla Morgan Wilde ( Cat Wisdom 101) said...

These are so fun!

haopee said...

Why can't we just have one where our picture is taken and it's "cartoonized".

I also liked the one being used by Glogirly. Speaking of, I asked her that same question a couple of posts ago. Thank you for reminding me to visit her.

In the mean time, I will try to make one from Photoshop. LOL

Huggies and Cheese,


The Furries of Whisppy said...

That looks like fun! We like "hamster Julie" in your Mom's arms. LOL!

Cats Herd You said...

That's very funny. I don't think that a "how my cat sees me" avatar would be an avatar at all. It would probably be a picture of a cat food vending machine!!

We'll have to give them a try. Thanks for sharing the sites.

Marg said...

Those are terrific. Our person hates to have her picture taken too. WE think the avatars are terrific. Have a super day.

CCL Wendy said...

Wowee! You are just an avatar-fool Oui Oui! I think it must qualify as a new art form.

Well done, you!

Hannah and Lucy said...

Mum has promised to do one of herself - but we'll believe it when she's done it!
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Brian's Home Blog said...

Those really are vey cute and it sure is amazing!

Cat said...

It's very entertaining, I made one :-)

wildcatwoods said...

Will have to try this.

Cats of wildcat woods

meowmeowmans said...

Those are cool! The Mom and the Dad here don't really care to have their pictures taken (especially the Mom), so this may be a great alternative. :)


Unknown said...

I like the first one of the girl, from Portrait Illustration Maker best. They both look good though.

Willow said...

It is weird how the humans dislike taking pictures of themselves, but love multiple photos of our furry selves. Those are more pawsome avatar sites for changing the images.

Anonymous said...

Way cool! I gotta try this out!

A Tonl said...

Mowzers,look at Mommy run...the OTHER WAY (bwaaa-ha-haaaa) We think you skeered her off!! MOL!

Jans Funny Farm said...

We can't figure out how you were able to read the Portrait Illustration Maker site. It's not in English. Even with Google translate we can't find that title.

Um, we just googled PIM and the site turned up in English, but when we click on your link, we get the site in ... in. we have no clue, but it could be Chinese, Japanese or some other related language.