Thursday, May 1, 2014

Thankful Thursday

Hi Kitties!  Boy, are we ever glad to be back!

Our first thanks are to all our kitty friends who stopped by and helped us give the mom a welcome home gift she won't forget anytime soon.  The house was truly a disaster and you did us proud!  Great house trashing done by all!

The mom is thankful for a really great trip!  She had a Philly photographer take photos of The Girl for her upcoming college graduation, and the photos have just been posted.  They are awesome and it is going to be very difficult to narrow down to just a couple favorites.  We hope to share some soon.

We can share some new photos of our little cousins!  And our not so little cousin too.

The only way to get a photo of these two rascals is when they are sleeping or just waking up.
Their antics had us in tears and the mom hopes to share a video soon.

As soon as Kahn heard The Girl's voice he started bahing - or is it mahing?
He is loving the sweet spring grass.
Can you see where his winter coat is shedding along his flanks?

While The Girl helped bring the horses in from the fields then feed them and get them in their jammies for the night . . .

The mom was checking out the pampered barn kitties.  This one is Maverick.  What a tail he has!  Evidently he has always carried it over his back.

There were more kitties, all tabbies, in the kitchen  . . .
And even one on the dryer.

Here Bob snoopervises the chickens.

While Maverick baths and airs his belly.
All told, there are 7 or 8 barn kitties.
All are very friendly and well cared for.

The Girl and Maverick.

There's just one bad thing!
The mom says we earned the right to a BABY sitter 
when she goes to BlogPaws next week!


Angel Prancer Pie said...

Abandoned twice in a row???

Wow, you kittehz have a lot of ignoring Mom to do when she gets home! MOL!

The Swiss Cats said...

Abandoned, again ? Well, enjoy the short time your mom is home before she leaves again to BlogPaws event ! Purrs

Summer at said...

Hey, we LOVE our pet sitter! So maybe it is not a bad thing.

Cats Herd You said...

We have heard of the cat's pajamas, but never the horse's pajamas! The head peep is looking forward to meeting your Mom at BlogPaws. We will have a good sitter, too, but it's not the same, is it?

Katie Isabella said...

OH KITTIES! Will we have another House Trashin'??? Concatulations to The Girl. Mom and I are proud of and for her. xxoox We loved the pictures of everyone. xoxo

Hannah and Lucy said...

Those kittens are all so cute and like all kittens they always make us laugh at their antics.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Pat Hatt said...

Wow she is asking for a super house trashing, going away twice in a row. That is one fluffy tail too.

Brian's Home Blog said...

We sure did enjoy seeing all of the critters!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

veree nice ta meet everee one.....but knot de ...ewe...noe...whatz.....

N babee sitter iz outta de question...

everee one knot goin ta de blogz paws will bee ther ta over yur houz with ewe guys ....

~~~~ we left de grill in de nayborz bak yard...15 after yur momz gone; itz gonna be seerin up sum salmon again !!!

partee at oui's !!!! ~~~~

Marg said...

Looks like the Mom had a great time with all those different animals. What fun to see the goat and all the barn kitties. Hope she has a wonderful time at Blog Paws. Take care.

Fuzzy Tales said...

Aw, what a great time your mom had with all the critters. Maverick sure is a handsome, laid back fellow, another awesome tabby mancat. :-)

But you're being abandoned again?

Boy, she'd better come back from BlogPaws with terrific goodies for you all.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Uh oh! We must not have trashed the house bad enough!!! Love the photos! Love, Cody

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We were happy ta help get yer house ready fer Mom's return!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Looks like your mum had a lovely time. When should I come for the next house trashing?

A Tonl said...

BABY sitter? BABY? Harumpf! Who's a BABY round here anyways, we wanna know?

The Island Cats said...

Welcome back! It looks like your mom was cheating you guys while she was gone. :)

Kitty Cat Chronicles said...

Does that mean there will be another party while your mom is gone again? We had such a great time at this past one! We enjoyed seeing pictures of all of your cousins. Those ferrets sure are cute! The goat too. :)

meowmeowmans said...

About the house-trashing ... always glad to help, dear kitties! Hee hee! :)

Wait, did your The Mom say BABY sitter? You are full grown cats, not BABIES. Just for that, we hope she brings you back some extra awesome swag from BlogPaws!


brokenteepee said...

Lots of pretty kitties and bootiful goatie. Goats maaaa, sheep baaa. Pricilla makes it her job to inform people of that. And eat apples. That is her other job.