Thursday, January 23, 2014

Snowy Flashback Friday

It's been a while since we've done a Flashback Friday, but in honor of the 6 inches (15 cm) of snow we got Tuesday and the frigid temperatures (around 5 F, -15 C at night with the highest daytime temp of 30 F, -1 C in the next week) that will keep it around for a while, here are some of our earliest kitty pix.

The mom's first mancat, Attila, (a man kitten in this photo) was not fan of the cold and snow.
His mom, Leia, wasn't either!

I've seen enough and it's time to go in!  You can see her gold "Dolly Parton" collar (it had rhinestones).

Snuggled up in a warm blankie is where we all should be in cold weather.

Or maybe cuddled up with your bestest friend.
BTW, this was our Toby.
We mention him cause the Whiskeratti have a Leia and Toby too!
And their Toby is also an ornj mancat.
Ours was named for all his extra toes and he put them to good use!
There wasn't a door or cabinet, except for sliding shower doors, he couldn't open.
And he had an aversion to closed doors.
He was, as a very young The Girl said, a "wet" kitty.
He drooled like there was no tomorrow when petted.

So we hope you have a fine weekend!  Everyone stay warm, especially those in the new polar regions (the eastern US)!  Enjoy and stay safe!


Pat Hatt said...

Yeah screw the cold, cuddled up inside is way better. Orlin drools too when brushed, kinda nasty lol

meowmeowmans said...

We loved learning about Attila, Leia and Toby. Moosey's a pretty good door opener, too. :)

Thank you so much for your care and concern, and for purring and praying for Moosey. He seems to be feeling pretty good for now (his appetite is much better, and his energy level, too)... we're just waiting for those blood tests to come back to see where we go from here. It's been stressful, but him feeling better is keeping our spirits up. :)

Hugs, dear friends. Stay warm!

Summer at said...

I love seeing photos of kitties from before!

Cats Herd You said...

It's so fun seeing the kitties that came before. Stay warm up there this weekend!

Marg said...

We don't like the snow either and luckily we don't get much of it here. But it is very cold here. You kitties do look miserable in that snow. Hope you all have a great day and a super week end.

Brian's Home Blog said...

I don't think I would like the snow either. I know I don't like cold. Have a warm and snuggly weekend!

Annie Bear said...

I always enjoy seeing your kitties from before. Too funny about Toby being able to open doors and being a drooler. Leia with her Dolly Parton collar and snuggled up with Attila is precious. Hope you guys stay safe and warm!

The Whiskeratti said...

Oh, we do luff the oranges in this house!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

we due knot wanna bee outside either ...knot even for ice fishin...knot even ta answer de door if de pizza dood shows up N it takes 78 seconds ta give him sum cash N close de door a gain !!! heerz ta a friez N flounder happee week oh end !!

Kitties Blue said...

We really enjoyed seeing the kitties of the past. Toby was so handsome, but it sounds has if he really knew how to get into trouble. Have a great weekend. Purrs and paw-pats, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

I enjoyed seeing the kitties who came before. When I was young I liked snow, but not now. It is lucky we don't often get it.

The Island Cats said...

Thanks for that flashback! Those kitties were brave to venture out into the snow. We would never wanna do that!

Ernie's got extra toesies, but he hasnt't learned how to use them like your Toby did.

The Swiss Cats said...

Stay warm Oui Oui ; snow has not yet come back here since november, but it's cold. Purrs

Fur Everywhere said...

We only got a little snow here in Colorado the other day. But we don't like the cold or snow, either.

Thank you for sharing the adorable photos with us. The Mom just loves seeing orange kittums!

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

Aw, love the flash backs! What cuties they were!

Katie Isabella said...

I LOVED seeing these babies of the past. Precious memories and sweet warm kitty loves.


It's always good to walk down memory lane,thank you for sharing those fun pictures with us!

Layla Morgan Wilde ( Cat Wisdom 101) said...

Love seeing these old kitty pics. The one of Toby looks like the famous Bob! I bet he was just as smart.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

The flashback was sweet!

Measurin our snow here is tricky when it is powdery and blows around a lot. One deck rail had 6" on it an the other was bare. But TBT says it seems ta be about 5".