Monday, March 10, 2014

Meet our Coz

By now, you have probably met our two little cousins.

 Pepe Jack

and Zena Marie.

You may recall, The Girl took these two young ferrets in when the person who owned them could no longer keep them.

Yup, that is yawn-inducing old news!

But we know you don't know we have ANOTHER cousin
who has been a bit of a secret cause 
not even the mom knew about him until earlier this year.
So, meet Kahn!

Kahn was named for Shere Kahn, the tiger in the Jungle Book.

 Kahn, front, had a brother, Eddie.
Eddie was named for the giggly hyena in The Lion King.

Sadly, Eddie passed away unexpectedly this past January.
Here is Eddie with his mother, Kandy.

The Girl and Eddie.
She was heartbroken when her Eddie left.

After the boys were born, The Girl found out they were slated to go to the butcher's, so she stepped in and adopted them.  If she was to keep them, she had to get them castrated, so the vet showed her how when he did Eddie and she had the pleasure of performing Kahn's surgery.  She was SO excited!  Guys, you are forewarned!

Now it's just The Girl and Kahn, and since she is out of college, she sees him all the time!

To meet more tabbies and their family members, visit the Tabby Cat Club Tuesday, March 11th!  We know you see our kitty family all the time, so this was the purrfect time to meet our other cousins. Psst . . . we even snuck a pic of the mom in our post there.


Kwee Cats and Art said...

Cat-strated???? We gonna has to think on that one... But we do like all those cute new friends!
Hugs :-)

Summer at said...

My human is envious - she has always wanted a goat! I already told her no ferrets, though!

Angel Prancer Pie said...

What adorable cousins! You have a great gene pool in your family. MOL!

Happy Tuesday!

Pat Hatt said...

She knows how to snip snip? Run run far away haha cute extended members indeed

The Meezers or Billy said...

what is cat-strated?

we love their sweaters

Brian's Home Blog said...

That was a fun post, but I am so sorry to hear about Eddie.

da tabbies o trout towne said...

veree nice two meet ewe khan...we bee troo lee sorree bout yur brother eddie :(

we bee glad de gurl stepped in ta help ewe out....goin ta a butcher shop iz knot like goin ta a shop for toys shop....


Wow we didn't know you had all those cousins! That is pawsome!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Kahn looks like a sweetheart, and so handsome too!

The Chans

Mariodacat said...

WOW - your family is growing by leaps and bounds. What a bunch of cuties.

Katie Isabella said...

what a dear blog and introduction. Mom and I loved it and we say fanks you. xxoo

meowmeowmans said...

We think all your cousins are cute! We're very sorry that Eddie had to go to the Bridge, though. :(

Saku said...

Your girl has a furry soft heart, lucky for the ferrets and Kahn too. Our mom bean likes goats, but she doesn't like the other guys furry much. We is sorry Eddie didn't make it, he was cute!

Sasha, Sami, & Saku

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Fergive us, but you sure seem ta have a LOT of food around... MOL!

Annie Bear said...

I just love the ferrets! The Girl truly has a heart for animals. It's just wonderful. I'm sorry about Eddie and it's nice to meet Kahn.

Team Tabby said...

We are very glad to meet your cousins and to hear they have a good home!


Willow said...

Those are some cool cousins the girl is building a nice menagerie. It's great that she is saving anipals through sad that Eddie passed. Purrs.