Sunday, April 21, 2013

A Rose By Any Other Name?

We are hosting an event at The Tabby Cat Club.

Yes!  I would be just as sweet!  In fact, my real name is Sweet Pea.  Its the mom who started called me Oui Oui.

One of Goldie's first days as Sweet Pea.

During my days at the shelter, I was known as Goldie.  That was a hard one to understand until years later my mom met the lady who named me at an adoption fair.  It turns out I had litter mates - Opal, Onyx, Pearl - all named for jewels.  Being the last one left, the reason for my name wasn't apparent.

The Girl and Sweet Pea as kittens.

When I got to my new home, I ran around for 20 minutes like a wild cat.  It just felt SO good to be out of the cage.  My new beans laughed, and the mom wanted to name me Jubilee, but The Girl insisted on Sweet Pea.  It does fit me, I AM a sweet heart, after all!

Soon I would be known as Oui Oui.

I love to play with all kitties, and I like everyone.  The mom started calling me Oui Oui because I never said "No" to a chance to play.  When The Girl went away to collich, the mom worried about having someone to play with me, so she got me my very own kitty to play with, Mica Minnie Moo.

Oui Oui playing with her kitty, Mica Minnie Moo.

Our blog is named after me too, cause another of my nicknames is Twinkletoes.  When I run, my legs just move faster, but my stride stays the same length, making my toes look like they are "twinkling".  I hate to say it, but there are even more nicknames - Sugar Bee, Whippy Tail, and I really hate this new one, Tubby.  Ugh!

Stop by the Tabby Cat Club to read about more kitties!


Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We wondered about "Gpldie", but now it makes sense. And so does Twinkletoes. TBT sometimes calls me Prancer cuz I do a kinna small movement trot. I guess Twinkletoes describes the same sort of movement. ~ Ayla

Annie Bear said...

Oui Oui, I so enjoyed reading more about you and your formative years. I love that picture of you with your MMM. I also love the stories behind some of your names. The girl and you as kittens is precious. I can see how she got her love of animals.

Summer at said...

Shelters and rescues come up with weird names for kitties. I think they try to make it semi-generic so they don't get too attached.

Layla Morgan Wilde ( Cat Wisdom 101) said...

Great to hear more and see you at the Tabby Club!

The Furries of Whisppy said...

We think you'll have a huge laugh at how Tutu got her name. But she said we aren't allowed to tell or she'll make sure we regret it. All we can say is, it isn't as cute as how you ended up as Oui Oui! :)

Marg said...

Wow Oui Oui you do have a lot of names. That event sounds like a fun thing. Hope all of you have a great day.

Fuzzy Tales said...

We're glad to read your naming story! We actually did a post on the TCC for this....our first post in oh, months and months. LOL.

Brian's Home Blog said...

That was so cool and I loved the itty bitty pics! i came from PetSmart with my name and it seemed to fit just right!

Pat Hatt said...

Never say no to play, that is a good way to be. Pat stole our names from Stargate.

da tabbies o trout towne said...

thoze bee sum grate names oui....we haza lotta names two...most lee dee pends on de moon de food service purrson bee in tho....



The Island Cats said...

We didn't know your real name was Sweet Pea! Our Zoey's nickname is Sweet Pea. We kinda like Oui Oui. But Tubby?? Nah...that does fit you at all. ;)

Unknown said...

So many names - and a very interesting story of how you got yours. Love those kitten photos too.


Oh we loved that story. Thank you for sharing your "nicknames" with us. We just love the idea of your twinkling toes!

Willow said...

Oui Oui you are a girl of many names and mysteries it was cool learning more about your kittenhood and how your peeps gave you a pet to love.

Kitties Blue said...

Isn't it funny how we kitties all seem to amass a number of nicknames through the years. The same thing goes on at our house. Tubby is not nice, however, especially for a sweet girl kitty. We'd put our paw down on that one. Purrs and hugs from the kitties at The Cat on My Head, Lily Olivia, Mauricio Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette

meowmeowmans said...

That was such a fun event, sweet Oui Oui! Thank you for hosting it with Abbi. :)

Anonymous said...

I should be called Oui Oui! too, because I never say no to a cookie!

Avalon's Garden and Mewsings of Garden Cottage Cats said...

Dat waz a furry interesting story Oui Oui, Penelope iz called P too, but da mom sayz she ain't so Sweet! ^..^

da mom sayz she has to be careful in giving us owr namez cauze we have a tendency to livez up to dem ^..^ ....... heheheheh
