Sunday, April 7, 2013

Bed Wars, Round I

Oui Oui and The Girl as kittens.

As a young kitty, I loved scratching away while I was on my back.  Of course, the bed was the object of my scratching!  The mom would come home from work to find huge amounts of stuffing stretched across the floor.  Soon we kitties could climb into the netting and sleep there.  It was like a large kitty hammock.  So snuggly and comfy!  Those were really the days!

Walking the bed as a kitten.

Eventually I dug holes all the way through to the top of the mattress.  In no time there were huge springs sticking out of the top.  While this didn't bother us kitties much, well in fact, not at all, the mom had to resort to sleeping across the lower part of the bed while her legs pointed up to the headboard.

A recent photo on the headboard.

One day, some men took the old beds (I had been working on The Girl's bed too) and brought new ones.  I set to work right away!

But, I couldn't believe what the mom did!  She came home with large sheets of wood, and she put them under the box springs and mattresses!   In vain did I roll on my back and scratch at the wood.  I tried!   I tried really hard!  Even in the middle of the night, waking the mom with the sound of my claws on wood.

This is how I walk across the bed.

Sadly, my sharp nails were no match for the wood and finally I gave up.

These days, I have my beloved cardboard, but no beds to scratch.

Ok, I give the first round of The Bed Wars to the mom.  That's ok.  We kitties own the night, and there are daily breakfasts to wake up for.  You know we aren't going to give in THAT easily!

Today we are sponsoring an Event called Bed Wars at The Tabby Cat Club.  If you are interested in more bed time antics, stop on by, visit and maybe even say hi.


Katie Isabella said...

I LOVED this. Mommy said Robin our Cat Matriarch did that too on the boys beds! She tried on Mommy's bed too but mommy did what yours did!

The Island Cats said...

The mom says she needs to go out and get some wood for the beds here...we've already tore into the netting on them.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We wouldnt DARE mess with the mattress. Its a waterbed!

Sweet Purrfections said...

We haven't really scratched at the mattress, but Brulee is scratching at one corner of the carper and pulling it up.

Summer at said...

I think you were GYPPED, Oui Oui! We did the same thing with the bed that was here when I moved in, except we never did get past the box springs. So far, we haven't been that interested in the latest bed, which is a couple of years old.

Marg said...

Oh we know how to ruin a bed too. We have both beds here in shambles. But we are still able to sleep on them. Hope all of you have a great day.

The Furries of Whisppy said...

How about scratching from the TOP of the mattress? Hee hee.

Mr Puddy said...

Seems like I'm a good boy..tee..heh..I don't do mattress cause daddy is there. He could kill me !

The Meezers or Billy said...

hahaha gramma trixie and grampa nortong did that to the mom's bed so we already had nice holes to climb into.

Pat Hatt said...

We used to pick at the old one and take some stuffing out, but never went all the way through, that sure is talent.

Annie Bear said...

You are persistent, Oui Oui! I had a kitty a long time ago that liked to move himself along under the bed by lying on his back and using his claws in the mattress but he never took it as far as you. I think that shows that girls like to get the job done. The picture of you and The Girl as kittens is so precious.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Well I think I have been missing out on some fun stuff and will have to check out our bed pronto!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

oui...a chunk oh wood haz never meeted a saw it dinna like...


a saw haz never meeted a chunk oh wood it dinna like

we will send ewe a saw dizguised in a sea bass platter :)

Avalon's Garden and Mewsings of Garden Cottage Cats said...

Whoa......^..^ Poor Oui Oui,your mom really did dat to you?
We mus count owrselvez lucky we still haz owr boxspring ..... although truth be told, there are mumbulingz to be heard , now dat we are way too big to fit up in dere......, and no more kittiez, fankz to Gabriel! ( can you say Jealous...... ^..^ )

da mom sayz fankz to your mom fur da wood idea, jus in case ........ ^..^ ♥♥♥♥xoxoxoxoxo

bethany925 said...

Wow Oui-Oui. You are determined. I like that in a kitteh. Also like the cardboard. you should put that in a picture frame. it is quite profound. a real testament to teh indomitable will of a kitteh wif a need to scratch. Well done.


Oui Oui that was pawsome.
BedWars stories!

Kitties Blue said...

Seems the waterbed was no more when you came along. Darn good thing with that persistence of yours, Oui, Oui. Purrs and hugs from the kitties at The Cat on my head, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette